Sometimes it is not easy for a foreigner to work directly with a qualified factory in China due to the language culture and MOQ barriers etc. Meanwhilethere are lots of ‘fake’ factories online, 90% of the suppliers you met online or at local trade fairs might be a typical trade company in China but you’re never aware of it.
The reason is very simple, more than 80% of factories do not have their own Export License, on the other hand, they don’t have enough English speaking staff working with small-mid scale buyers in China.
Most of the suppliers they verified as a trading company in China but they pretend to be a real factory and the clients cannot tell them from the fake information online. Therefore trading an agent is in need.
A good one-stop purchasing agent service can not only reduce the risks in buying from China but also could help you savelot of time, costs and effort in sourcing, verification, quality control and after-sale services.
A well-qualified purchasing agent can act as your own Office, Assistants and Eyes in China so that they can solve all the issues related to your import. They may help you smooth every step in following aspects:
Sourcing new suppliers or factories;
Supplier verification;
Management of suppliers;
Price negotiation;
Delivery support (Logistics);
Formal contract documentation support;
Quality Control management;
Loading process supervision;
After-sale Service support;
Other services may be available upon request.
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